Everything You Need to Know About Lace Wigs

Everything You Need to Know About Lace Wigs

If you are the kind of person who craves a different style every day and you just want to keep switching it up, then lace wigs might be perfect for you. When it comes to lace wigs, you have different options to choose from. Whether you just want to take a break from your natural hair or you are looking for something different, lace wigs are a convenient and versatile option to consider.

What Is a Lace Wig?

A lace wig is a high-quality wig that is simply an upgrade from regular wigs.  Lace wigs look more natural and secure. The lace gives you the freedom to have a part, and blend it into your natural hairline, making the hair look more realistic and natural.

With several lace wigs options available on the market, you may be confused wondering which is the best option for you. Here is a breakdown of the difference between varying types of lace wigs.

Types of Lace Wigs

Full Lace Wigs

The base of a full lace wig is entirely made of lace and has human hair looped in single pieces onto the material of the lace shaped to fit the head. Since the lace is made to resemble your scalp, you can part the hair in any direction. This allows you to style the wig in many different options like corn ear or a ponytail. Since full lace wigs are not made with hair tracks, other styles you can achieve include half down styles, half-up styles, cornrows, or scalp braids.

Lace Front Wigs

A lace front wig comes with different lace sizes including 13×6, 13×4, and 4×4 inches. Typically, lace front wigs are human hair made with a closure. A hairpiece that mimics your natural scalp is sewn on the crown of the wig. As such, the wig can only be parted on or two ways in the front. After the closure, tracks are placed on the back of the wig from ear to ear.

Some lace front wigs have adjustable straps or bands, allowing you to adjust the wig to your head size and keep the parted section where you want it.

Lace Front Bob Wigs

If you are looking for high-quality and less expensive human hair wigs, lace front Bob Wigs is your ideal choice. They are chic and effortless, keeping you cool during warmer seasons. Lace front bob wigs are easier to maintain than long wigs.

360 Lace Wigs

360 lace wigs are similar to lace front wigs. However, a 360 lace wig has a lace perimeter around the entire crown area of the unit and the cap appears only in the middle section of the wig. With the advancement of the 360 Frontal Lace Wigs, it is easier to style updo hairstyles without exposing the hair bundles. 360 lace wigs are slightly high priced and heavier than lace front wigs.

Some things You need to Know about Lace Front Wigs - Layla Hair - Shine  your beauty!

HD Lace Wigs

HD is a high-definition wig with the thinnest lace material. The lace material is also referred to as Swiss lace. When applied to your scalp, it is invisible. This allows you to have an exposed hairline that completely looks natural and your hairline is undetectable. The HD invisible lace frontal almost causes no irritation or itchy feel.

How to Choose the Right Lace Wig for You?

While understanding the different types of wigs available is important, choosing the best wig that fits your day-to-day lifestyle is also important. There are certain factors you need to keep in mind before you purchase a wig.


Although some lace wigs are more expensive than others, when buying one it is important to keep your budget in mind. Unlike synthetic wigs, human hair lace wigs are long-lasting when properly cared for, so you can consider purchasing one an investment.


Hair density is determined by how thin or thick the hair on the wig is. Knowing the density of the lace wigs allows you to choose how full you want your wig to be. The density of full lace wigs and lace front wigs is measured in percentage increments, with the fullest you can get being 200%. Density should not be the key determinant. You should also put other factors like how you want to style the hair in mind.

Lace Color

If you choose the wrong color backing of the lace, the illusion you are trying to achieve may not be possible. Many laces come either translucent or brown. If your skin is lighter, the translucent lace is the best color since you can adjust it slightly using makeup or foundation that matches your skin color. On the other hand, if your skin color is deeper, you may opt for a brown lace as it requires less manipulation to mimic your scalp.

Wig Color

The best thing about lace wigs is that you can customize them to perfectly fit your style. One of the customizations you can make is changing the wig color. However, not all wigs can be dyed. If you are looking to change up the color of your wig, go for a virgin hair wig. Virgin hair can easily be manipulated and colored. Otherwise, you can purchase a pre-colored wig.

What Is a Headband Wig?

Headband Wigs are made using 100% virgin human hair and sewing is done into a soft cap. Unlike other regular wigs where you use fasteners or clips to secure the hair, you use a headband to secure a headband wig. If you want to add length and volume to your hair without going through the struggles of caring for a standard wig, you may want to consider headband wig.

Due to its convenience and affordability, a headband wig is a great option for beginners. Therefore, if you are new to wigs, you will not have a problem putting on a headband wig since no adhesive or glue is required.


Wigs are increasingly becoming popular, not only among celebrities but other women too are embracing and opting to wear wigs.  Depending on the style you are looking for, there is a wide variety of high-quality wigs that offer class and comfort to suit your needs.

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